Published: 12/11/2015
The highly discerning donor embryo program at Arizona Center for Fertility Studies so successfully provides infertile couples the chance to achieve a pregnancy that it often can’t keep up with demand. Generally, couples choose donor embryos because the donor egg program is too costly, because the woman needs donor eggs and her partner has no sperm, or because both partners "feel better" that neither one is providing genetic material. Using a donor embryo is a great alternative treatment for couples that have been unsuccessful in achieving a pregnancy either on their own or through assisted reproductive technologies (In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)) with their own eggs, or that have experienced multiple pregnancy losses.
Cryopreserved embryos at Arizona Center for Fertility Studies are generally donated by younger patients who went through IVF and successfully completed their family. We offer all patients with "extra" embryos the opportunity to anonymously donate their unused frozen embryos to couples who may need them. Although we encourage anonymous donation, we fully support a couple’s decision to discard extra embryos rather than donate them.
Our team at ACFS does not match donor embryos with recipient couples. Couples desiring donor embryos are placed on a waitlist and upon reaching the top, are anonymously given the complete profiles of available donor embryos. We believe that donor embryo selection is an important decision that should be made by the recipient couple. Anonymous donor eggs and donor sperm often come with an extensive donor profile, including photos, personal and family medical history, education documents, and psychological screening results. There is generally not as much data available on embryo donors, but we try to provide as much useful information as possible without compromising their anonymity.